Thursday, September 19, 2013

healing from cancer

I'm trying to convince someone I love dearly to experiment with this healing nutrition. He has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, basil cell carcinoma and possibly gout, (gout he is waiting for the results to be sure). All this he found out about in a two week period. Someone who would not consider the diet before is now considering it. I'm looking forward to showing him how powerful nutrition can be in helping to heal a body's illness.

Here is a testimony from someone who healed their prostate cancer....

by George Hoffman
I was born in St. Louis, Missouri but now reside in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and have been here for many years. I have had a long and successful career as an attorney, most of it being spent in New York City. Several years ago the physicians diagnosed me with prostate cancer and I was alerted to the immediate need for an invasive surgery, given that the cancer could spread to the bone. They said if I did not have the operation immediately I would die. This occurred in June so I took a strong drug and scheduled the operation for September. Before this occurrence, I had read about Hippocrates in health magazines and decided to attend the program. Immediately I embraced the Hippocrates life style and strictly adhered to the diet and exercise routine. One year later I returned to the physicians for a biopsy and was told the cancer had disappeared. My PSA went from 7 to 1, cholesterol from 250 to 188 and my weight went from 212 pounds to 178 and I have been staying on the living food program for years, I hold Hippocrates responsible for all the health and longevity with which I am blessed. I recommend this lifestyle to anyone who wants to heal a disease or improve his or her life.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Best Tacos ever

Walnut Tacos - my favorite

                    3 cups walnuts, soaked                                                1/4 teaspoon cayenne
                    1 clove of garlic or garlic power                                   1 teaspoon Bragg Liquid Aminos
                    2 tablespoons chili powder

In a food processor, combine all ingredients. Process, pulsing, until desired texture is achieved. Season to taste.

To Make a Taco
Use a romaine lettuce leaf (for a "hard shell" taco) or a collard green (for a "soft shell" taco).  Add some taco stuffing "meat" and toppings (shredded carrot, scallion, chopped onion, hot sauce, shredded lettuce, etc.) Fold or roll and serve.

Side Effects of Drugs

What doctors don't know or won't tell you....

I once asked a doctor; "if illness can survive even thrive in an acid environment then can an alkaline diet help heal illness". Her answer "there have been no studies to prove this so we don't suggest it to our patience". Then she proceeded to prescribe, Lexepro for my anxiety and Nexium for my ulcer which, from what I've recently learned from the, National Institute of Mental Health, cannot cure the illness only mask it so you feel better. However there can be devastating side effects to these medications that can result, at worse in suicide.

Here is link to the, National Institute of Mental Health which reveals the following information;
  • Types of medications used to treat mental disorders
  • Side effects of medications
  • Directions for taking medications
  • Warnings about medications from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Cure to mental illness? - read the following; Caffeine Allergy.



Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cirrhosis of the liver, more on what doctors don't know........

"You can’t undo the damage from cirrhosis" is what this article states from the, University of Maryland Medical Center. How wrong they are......another wonderful testimony from, Hippocrates Health Institute about the healing effects of the right nutrition......

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Emotions are effected by Nutrition

I went to Hippocrates Health Institute to heal an ulcer, but what I realized in my first 5 days of being there is how much better I felt emotionally. In fact, it was the first time I wasn't suffering from some degree of anxiety which had effected me for years. At first, I thought who wouldn't be more peaceful in this wonderful healing environment. However, I've been on and off this nutritional road for the last 9 years and like clockwork, each time I fall away from the diet is when I fall into emotional turmoil.

One of the things I learned at Hippocrates and it totally makes sense, is the body has an amazing capacity to heal itself given the chance. If you give your body the right nutrition, fill it with oxygen, alkaline, chlorophyll and the rest of the wonderful nutrients this way of eating supplies then over time your body will do what it's designed to do and so much better than any doctor or pill.

Read more on how nutrition can positively affect your

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Healing from Stage 4 Melanoma

Below is the exact reason why I help others with this cleanse. It really is as simple as changing what you eat, exercising and adding meditation to your life. This success story is one of many from Hippocrates Health Institute.

Stage IV Melanoma

I am amazed that I can look at every day with such excitement and joy. I Love Life! I feel fantastic. I’m currently training for a half marathon and work out almost everyday. I have been blessed to have such a loving supportive family. The future used to be completely out of reach for me. I was afraid to plan anything in advance because I wasn’t sure if I would be here. It may sound scary, but it was reality for me.
I was diagnosed in 2005 with melanoma. I didn’t know much about the disease, so I had never realized how serious it was. I had skin cancer. After having surgery to remove a mole from my knee, I thought I was cured and on my way to a long and happy life. The only reminder I had was an ugly scar. That all changed when, three years later, I felt a little lump above the scar. I didn’t think it was anything to worry about, but my husband insisted that I get it checked out. It turned out to be melanoma that had metastasized up my leg. I went through surgery again and was put on interferon treatments that were supposed to last a year. Two months into the treatment I found another lump on my upper back. The biopsy came back and it was positive for melanoma. That’s when everything changed. Scans showed that Melanoma had begun to take over my body. For the next 18 months I endured six more surgeries and my cancer elevated to Stage IV. I tried different treatments, all unsuccessful, and was told by my doctors I had little chance of recovery. How was it possible that I couldn’t find anyone who had been able to conquer this disease? I began searching everywhere to find hope.
On Jan. 29, 2010, I was given the dreaded news that the cancer had spread to my lung and liver and multiple other locations — too many to count — and surgery was no longer an option. There was nothing that could be done except for clinical trials that had very aggressive side effects that I knew I wouldn’t be able to recover from. I was confused and I didn’t know what to do. I felt that if I did the clinical trials I might be able to help someone else in the future with this disease but I was not ready to sacrifice myself. My head was spinning. There had to be a way that I could beat this. My competitive nature kicked in and I gathered myself and decided I was going to do my own “clinical trial.”
I remembered reading about Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) in Kris Carr’s book Crazy Sexy Cancer. I was on the phone with HHI by the end of the day January 29 and visited the campus on February 4th. I enrolled in the three-week Life Change Program and began my journey on February 7, 2010.
I will never forget that day. It was Super Bowl Sunday. Having grown up in Pittsburgh, I’m a huge football fan. The Super Bowl was in Miami and I was driving from Central Florida to South Florida which was the same route that people going to the Super Bowl were taking. They had their cars decorated and were thrilled and excited about the big game, and here I was driving alongside of them scared to death — in search of a bonafide miracle. Millions of questions were popping into my head. Would my clinical trial work? Was this the right decision? If my doctors only knew what I was doing what would they say? Would I ever be able to see my new grandson who was due in August?
I had no choice but to save my life and I knew I could do it. I had way too much to live for. I arrived at HHI around 2 p.m. Sunday. The grounds were absolutely beautiful and there was a peaceful calm over the entire area. In the entrance door there was a sign that read “Welcome to Life.” I knew I was in the right place.
The first evening was orientation. I felt blessed to meet such fabulous people. Some guests were at HHI to deal with health challenges (of all types and degrees) — and others were just striving for optimal health. We had a great group. Some people had experience with the raw vegan lifestyle and others — like me — had absolutely no idea how or where to begin. So we started with dinner. It was kind of funny looking to me — sprouts, beans and greens galore. I had never eaten this way but I knew it was right. You just know.
I received a schedule for what was in store for me for the next week and I honestly didn’t know how I could fit everything in. I would be spending the next three weeks focusing on my healing and that alone. I had to become selfish for this experience if I expected to get results. There would be no distractions, no television, no computer (they are available but I choose not to partake) and limited cell phone usage. I made it a practice to call my husband once a day and have him call the family with updates.
I graduated from the Hippocrates Life Change Program February 27, 2010. The experience was beyond mind-boggling. I actually felt like I was healing even though my tumors were swelling and my body was detoxing. It is so hard to explain but you can just feel it. By graduation day I felt sad to leave, but I knew it was time to bring this new lifestyle home with me.
Part of my healing focused on exercising because I was determined to run a half marathon for my birthday on March 5. I had always been a runner and I was determined to get that part of my life back. My friends and family came in from all over the country to help celebrate my birthday. I had an awesome party and ran the Disney Princess half marathon on March 7.
My reality check came in the form of a doctor’s appointment March 12, 2010. My doctor was very upset with me. “Why wasn’t I part of one of the clinical trials?,” he asked. He told me I couldn’t just throw in the towel and I needed to do what he said (little did he know he was about to see I’d already started healing). He wanted a scan right away and I agreed. I had my scan March 19 and to my doctor’s astonishment, I was in remission. My tumors had all shrunk — not by much, but the tumor in my liver now measured 1.5 cm (down from 1.8 cm). He said that this was so weird and he wished I would have been on one of his clinical trials so that he could take the credit! I told him I changed my diet and all the things I was doing, but he wasn’t interested. It had only been six weeks since I had changed my lifestyle and the results were already evident in the medical exams. I have to admit I was a little worried. I thought there might have been a mistake or a fluke in the exam or that maybe the radiologist had measured wrong, but I stayed positive and let myself enjoy the elation that came with knowing I was healing. My doctor didn’t want to treat me with anything at that time and he said I needed to keep doing whatever I was doing. And I did!
Fast forward to May 20, 2010 — my next scan. My results got even better. The tumors were continuing to shrink! The liver tumor now measured 1.2 cm. The doctor told me that I was in the one percentile of metastic melanoma patients to go into remission. He said my immune system had kicked in for some reason. I felt this was a great opportunity to inform him of everything I was doing. Eating raw and completely taking care of myself were what caused my immune system to “kick in.” All he could say was for me to keep doing what I was doing. When he got up to leave he looked me in the eye and said, “Congratulations! You’re winning!” I’ll never forget that — moreover since I’m competitive by nature.
As of this writing, my most recent scan was August 19, 2010. Results continue to improve. The tumor in my liver measures just 9 mm (down to half the size it was in my first scan) and others don’t even show up on the scan. My doctors have told me that these results are exactly what they would hope to see in one of their clinical trials. These are the best-case results they strive for and it was all happening for me through diet, exercise, meditation, and peace of mind.
I continue my raw vegan diet and get some help from Grass Root, an organic, vegan restaurant in Tampa, Florida. Combining living vegan food with exercise, yoga and an abundance of love around me, I have regained my health, along with a peace of mind that had been missing from my life for years since my diagnosis. Making the choice to change your life isn’t an easy one, but what you will receive in return will far surpass any sacrifices. For over two years, I searched for any kind of hope for survival of my disease and I couldn’t find any. By embracing what I learned through the Hippocrates Life Change Program, I truly feel that I have found my hope and I can help others in their search by telling them all about my clinical trial.
I will continue to fight this battle every day — even after the day I’m told I’m cancer free. I will keep doing what I’m doing, doctors orders.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cool Cucumber Soup

               1 cup cucumber, chopped                                              8-12 cucumber slices
               2 cups nut or seed milk                                                  1/4 cup fresh chives, finely chopped
               2 tablespoons scallion, thinly sliced                              1 tablespoon kelp power

In a blender, combine the 1 cup cucumber and nut/seed milk. Blend until smooth. Stir in the scallion and cucumber slices. Top with the chives and kelp powder. Serve

Note: To make your own nut/seed milk (recommended), blend 3/4 cup of soaked nuts and /or seeds with 2 cups of filtered water. Blend well and strain through a sprout bag or cheese cloth.