Health Benefits of the Cleanse

Is considered to be one of the most perfect foods on earth. It's filled with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidents and phytochemicals. Is rich in chlorophyll, (which helps to purify the blood; as chlorophyll has the same molecular structure as hemoglobin). It contains 97 enzymes and protein. Wheatgrass can be used for all kinds of healing, read the following blog.

Green Juice;
Is very helpful in cleansing the body of toxins. It can assist in helping the body loose weight as it adds alkaline to your body allowing the body to let go of fat. Alkaline is also helpful in reducing diseases as disease can only thrive in an acidic, non-oxygenated environment. Strengthens your immune system and gives you more energy. Your body is able to absorb the nutrients without expending too much energy from the digestion process.

Are a wonderful source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes, (which assist your body with digestion). They also are a great source of fiber and chlorophyll and are helpful to your immune system and detoxifying process.

Raw Organic Vegetables;
Has many more vitamins and enzymes. The process of cooking vegetables kills most of the healthy nutrients and enzymes in the food. Raw vegetables also is a wonderful source of fiber.

Is rich in fiber, protein, calcium, vitamins, trace minerals, iron and iodine. It can help remove toxins, heavy metals, lead and other chemicals. You can detoxify the body, fight infection and help regenerate the cells from the inside out.

Nuts/Seeds, Grains and Legumes;
Are rich in protein and are wonderful ingredients for gourmet meals such as dehydrated vegetable grain patties or burgers, hummus, etc.. They are also the source for the Almond milk and Buckwheat milk I offer in the cleanse. All the nuts, seeds, grains and legumes are soaked before using to help with digestion.

Contains phytochemicals which have been found to help fight cancer. Sauerkraut is extremely high in vitamins C, B and K and the fermentation process increases the bioavailability of nutrients rendering sauerkraut even more nutritious. Sauerkraut is a great source of probiotics which are very helpful to the digestion process.

Served only once a week. The best kinds are - mango, papaya, pineapple, star fruit, citrus, kiwi, melons, nectarines, peaches and plums. Fruits are important as their sugars (glucose, fructose, dextrose, sucrose, etc.) act as fuel for the cells.

Teas, lemon water along with regular water, flax seed water, almond milk, buckwheat milk, watermelon juice, coconut milk and blue-green algae. Most of these liquids are used to help detoxify, some are a good source of protein or sugars and the blue-green algae, has one of the richest sources of phytochemicals along with high concentrations of proteins, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

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